Pearl Lanka Jewellery

Pearl Lanka Jewellery
Pearl Lanka is an online shopping Store for buying necklace, Pendants, Earrings, Rings, Bracelets, Bangles, Jewellery Sets, and many more unique Jewell

Thursday, June 9, 2016

St Thomas'sstudent has committed suicide by jumping

St Thomas's Boys School 12 year old girl student has committed suicide by jumping in Nupe, Matara.Today (09) at the school soon left the house, he had called his mother and said, "Mom, I'm dying," he has said.The friends of the student's mother found her son had mentioned that he had hit the train. Harin samalka the train has been said that more information has not been revealed yet.

මාතර සාන්ත තෝමස් කුමර විද්‍යාලයේ 12 වන වසරේ ඉගෙනුම ලබමින් සිටි සිසුවකු මාතර නූපේ ප්‍රදේශයේ දී දුම්රියට පැන දිවි නසා ගෙන තිබෙනවා.
ඒ,තෙලිජ්ජවිල කිරිමැටිමුල්ල අලස්වත්තේ පදිංචිව සිටි වී.ජී.හරීන් සමල්ක නැමැති දහනව වියැති තරුණයෙක්.අද(09) උදෑසන පාසල් නොගොස්   නිවසින් පිටව ගොස් ඇති ඔහු මවට දුරකතන ඇමතුමක් ලබා දෙමින් "අම්මේ මම මැරෙනවා " යැයි සඳහන් කර තිබෙනවා.පසුව තම පුතු සොයා ගිය මවට එම සිසුවාගේ මිතුරන් සඳහන් කර ඇත්තේ ඔහු දුම්රියේ හැපී ඇති බවයි.හරීන් සමල්ක දුම්රියේ ගැටීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් වැඩිදුර තොරතුරු මෙතෙක් අනාවරණය වී නොමැති බවයි පැවසෙන්නේ.

little girl control wild elephant in

Rumble in the jungle leaves tourist a heart-stopping moment from death in face-off with elephant, Face To Face Encounte With An Elephant                                                                                                                           

They say an elephant never forgets, and presumably this tourist won't forget the day he stared down one of the biggest animals on the planet.

The intrepid adventurer is a little too close for comfort from the very start of the video, as he is filmed standing a few metres away from the giant mammal.

Clearly the elephant is tired of being watched while he is trying to eat, and charges without warning.

The cameraman, filming in theroad of the sri lanka, then captures the incredible moment as the girl simply raises she arms and stops the charging beast in its tracks.

The ten foot tall elephant then spins round and thunders back into the jungle, while the unfazed tourist gives a winning smile to the camera.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

fire broke out at the armoury of the Sri Lanka Army camp in Kosgama

A fire broke out at the armoury of the Sri Lanka Army camp in Kosgama, Avissawella a short while ago, the police stated. The fire had reportedly started around 6pm with a loud exploding sound, according to area residents. 
The High Level Road from Hanwella to Kosgama has been closed for traffic due to the fire at the Kosgama (Salawa) Army Camp. The reason for the fire is still unknown, while no casualties have been reported yet.
Further, residents within a 6km radius of the Kosgama Army camp are been evacuated due to the fire as a safety precaution. The public is requested not arrive in the area to observe the fire. 
Assistance of the Tri-forces have also been called to control the fire at the armoury. 
Kosgama Army Camp is on fire.If you live around there or within 5km radius from there, PLEASE Evacuate yourself and others temporarily!