Pearl Lanka Jewellery

Pearl Lanka Jewellery
Pearl Lanka is an online shopping Store for buying necklace, Pendants, Earrings, Rings, Bracelets, Bangles, Jewellery Sets, and many more unique Jewell

Thursday, June 9, 2016

St Thomas'sstudent has committed suicide by jumping

St Thomas's Boys School 12 year old girl student has committed suicide by jumping in Nupe, Matara.Today (09) at the school soon left the house, he had called his mother and said, "Mom, I'm dying," he has said.The friends of the student's mother found her son had mentioned that he had hit the train. Harin samalka the train has been said that more information has not been revealed yet.

මාතර සාන්ත තෝමස් කුමර විද්‍යාලයේ 12 වන වසරේ ඉගෙනුම ලබමින් සිටි සිසුවකු මාතර නූපේ ප්‍රදේශයේ දී දුම්රියට පැන දිවි නසා ගෙන තිබෙනවා.
ඒ,තෙලිජ්ජවිල කිරිමැටිමුල්ල අලස්වත්තේ පදිංචිව සිටි වී.ජී.හරීන් සමල්ක නැමැති දහනව වියැති තරුණයෙක්.අද(09) උදෑසන පාසල් නොගොස්   නිවසින් පිටව ගොස් ඇති ඔහු මවට දුරකතන ඇමතුමක් ලබා දෙමින් "අම්මේ මම මැරෙනවා " යැයි සඳහන් කර තිබෙනවා.පසුව තම පුතු සොයා ගිය මවට එම සිසුවාගේ මිතුරන් සඳහන් කර ඇත්තේ ඔහු දුම්රියේ හැපී ඇති බවයි.හරීන් සමල්ක දුම්රියේ ගැටීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් වැඩිදුර තොරතුරු මෙතෙක් අනාවරණය වී නොමැති බවයි පැවසෙන්නේ.

little girl control wild elephant in

Rumble in the jungle leaves tourist a heart-stopping moment from death in face-off with elephant, Face To Face Encounte With An Elephant                                                                                                                           

They say an elephant never forgets, and presumably this tourist won't forget the day he stared down one of the biggest animals on the planet.

The intrepid adventurer is a little too close for comfort from the very start of the video, as he is filmed standing a few metres away from the giant mammal.

Clearly the elephant is tired of being watched while he is trying to eat, and charges without warning.

The cameraman, filming in theroad of the sri lanka, then captures the incredible moment as the girl simply raises she arms and stops the charging beast in its tracks.

The ten foot tall elephant then spins round and thunders back into the jungle, while the unfazed tourist gives a winning smile to the camera.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

fire broke out at the armoury of the Sri Lanka Army camp in Kosgama

A fire broke out at the armoury of the Sri Lanka Army camp in Kosgama, Avissawella a short while ago, the police stated. The fire had reportedly started around 6pm with a loud exploding sound, according to area residents. 
The High Level Road from Hanwella to Kosgama has been closed for traffic due to the fire at the Kosgama (Salawa) Army Camp. The reason for the fire is still unknown, while no casualties have been reported yet.
Further, residents within a 6km radius of the Kosgama Army camp are been evacuated due to the fire as a safety precaution. The public is requested not arrive in the area to observe the fire. 
Assistance of the Tri-forces have also been called to control the fire at the armoury. 
Kosgama Army Camp is on fire.If you live around there or within 5km radius from there, PLEASE Evacuate yourself and others temporarily!

Friday, May 27, 2016

topik onine test 2016

Cham Korean level 1 - is online English course provides well organized Korean lectures about Korean alphabet, consonants, vowels, pronunciation, and grammar for learners who either start learning Korean or who wants to strengthen the basics of Korean language. With this course, you will learn accurate pronunciation and grammatical rules, words’ meaning and usage in a script so that you can make a conversation.

"The Korean Language Proficiency Exam, held to recruit individuals to work in South Korea, will be discontinued from this year, Foreign Employment Bureau says. Issuing a statement it said that the Human Resources Development Service of Korea will take steps to hold the examination online A written examination to recruit employees to Korea commenced in 2004 The new system will be more efficient and fair, the bureau stated.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

wild elephant’s attack in Habarana

The Ukranian national who had been killed by a wild elephant’s attack in Habarana had attempted to take a photograph with the elephant, the Wildlife Conservation Department said today. Speaking to the Daily Mirror, Wildlife Health Management’ Director Dr. Tharaka Prasad said it has not yet been officially proved whether the photograph was a selfie or not. “It has been reported that the foreigner had been killed on Tuesday and his female companion was injured by the wild elephant’s attack, while they were on the Habarana-Sigiriya road,” he added. Meanwhile, Minneriya National Park Range officer H.G. Wickremethilake said they have found pieces of a broken camera in the elephant’s rampage area where the foreigner had been killed, even though his female companion had stated that they were attacked on the way while they were travelling on a scooter. 

Navy Displeased On Action Of Eastern Province CM

Navy Displeased On Action Of Eastern Province CM: Report To Be Handed Over To Defence Secretary Today

The Navy will hand over a report to the Defence Secretary today on the recent public reprimand of a navy officer by the Eastern Province Chief Minister.Chief Minister Z.A. Nazeer Ahmed scolded a navy officer over a dispute at a recent event at the Sampur Vidyalaya.In a video released online, the Chief Minister is seen scolding the navy officer, demanding him to "just get out from here" if he does not understand the 'protocol'.

Friday, May 13, 2016

A Man kept harassing a Girl in public transport and then watch Based on a True story

Take A Stand for yourself. Based on a true story. Not all men are same. Just want to share a thought, If we don't have the courage to take a stand for ourselves then how can we expect a stranger to have the courage to take a stand for us and moreover how will we ever take a stand for others if we can't take a Stand for ourselves... Stand for yourself first and others will also take a stand for you

some guys harass girl not bcuz girls dont take any steps!! i think d real reason is that they know they r going to be get away with this!! their no respect n fear of law in their minds. In our country their is know one responsible n strict enough to implement d law... that's why these things happen!! we need a strict, smart n fast judiciary system which can uphold n implement d law in a corruption free manner..

Friday, May 6, 2016

healthy living 8 steps to take today 3

Healthy Living: 8 Steps to Take Today

Healthy living starts right now. Experts tell you how.

Healthy Living Step No. 7: Improve your relationships.

Healthy living isn't just about your personal habits for, say, diet and activity. It's also about your connections with other people -- your social network.
DeWall, the University of Kentucky social psychologist, offers these tips for broadening your social network:
  • Look for people like you. The details of their lives don't have to match yours, but look for a similar level of openness. "What really is important in terms of promoting relationship well-being is that you share a similar level of comfort in getting close to people," DeWall says. For instance, he says that someone who needs a lot of reassurance might not find the best relationship with someone who's more standoffish. "Feel people out in terms of, 'Does this person seem like me in terms of wanting to be close to other people?'" DeWall suggests.
  • Spend time with people. "There's this emphasis in our culture that you need to be very independent -- an army of one, you can get along on your own," DeWall says. "Most people don't know their neighbors as much as they did 50 or 60 years ago."
  • Build both virtual and face-to-face relationships. DeWall isn't against having online connections to other people. "But I think long term, having all of your relationships online or virtual ... would probably be something that wouldn't be as beneficial as having a mix" of having virtual and in-person relationships.
  • If a close relationship is painful, get help. "Some of my work and some work that other people are doing suggest that ... when you feel rejected by someone, that your body actually registers it as pain. So if I'm in a relationship that's really causing me a lot of pain, then we need to do something, we need to go and seek help," DeWall says.

Healthy Living Step No. 8: Challenge your mind.

Participating in mentally stimulating activities, especially activities that involve other people, may be good for the brain.
There's no downside to including brain-challenging activities as part of your healthy living, unless "you spent $400 on some computer program that makes all sorts of wild claims about brain health," says David Knopman, MD, a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
Knopman explains that brain fitness is influenced by many factors, including education and opportunities for mentally stimulating activities starting in childhood, and also by the presence or absence ofdepression, diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, and other risks.
Observational studies have shown that people who engage in mentally stimulating activities may be less likely to develop dementia. But Knopman notes that such studies don't prove cause and effect, so it's not clear if mentally stimulating activities protect against dementia or whether people with healthier brains are drawn to those activities in the first place.
That said, Knopman says, "I think that socially engaging activities are particularly important, and that's why I'm somewhat skeptical about the various commercial entities that seek to sell computer games to stimulate the brain. ... If that's done to the exclusion of socially engaging activity, it's probably counterproductive."

healthy living 8 steps to take today 2

Healthy Living: 8 Steps to Take Today

Healthy living starts right now. Experts tell you how.

Healthy Living Step No. 4: Upgrade your diet.

Williams, a nutritionist for a dozen years, says her diet advice isn't about eating certain foods and avoiding others as much as it is about awareness and choices. Here are her pointers:
  • Replace "I should" with "I choose." So instead of "I should be eating more fruits and vegetables," it's "I choose to eat more fruits and vegetables" or "I choose not to," because it's more powerful language," Williams says. "It shows that you're in control, you're making the choice. So if you choose to or you choose not to, you make the choice and you move on."
  • Skip the guilt. "Usually, whenever someone feels guilty about something, it feeds right back to the behavior that they're trying to get rid of," Williams says. "So if someone is an emotional eater and they say, 'I know I shouldn't be doing this," it implies more guilt and judgment on themselves, they feel worse, and then they end up eating to comfort themselves."
  • Choose to plan. Stock your pantry with healthy fare and bringhealthy snacks with you so you're prepared when you get hungry. "When we're really hungry, our physiology kicks in and that's when we're craving the hamburger and fries; we're not craving a salad," Williams says.
  • Slow down and savor your food. Don't watch TV, work, or drive while you're eating. "A lot of people tell me, 'My problem is that I really like food,' but I think that's a really good thing," Williams says. "If you really enjoy food, sit down and enjoy your meal. You're much more likely to feel psychologically satisfied if you don't multitask while you're eating."
  • Shoot for five to nine daily servings of varied fruits and vegetables.Cover the rainbow of fruit and vegetable colors to get a good mix ofnutrients. "If you're not getting the rainbow, you're probably not getting all the nutrients that you need," Williams says.

Healthy Living Step No. 5: Manage stress.

As a wellness coach trained in stress management, Williams recommends making two different plans to handle stress.

  • Routine maintenance: Develop positive coping skills, such asmeditation and visualization, and look for activities, such as yoga or exercise, to keep your baseline stress level in check.
  • Breakthrough stress: Find ways to handle stressful situations that flare up without warning. For instance, Williams says that after a stressful meeting at work, you might run up and down the stairs a few times to burn off anger, or retreat to a bathroom stall to take a few deep breaths and refocus.

Williams also shares three other stress management tips that you can start using immediately:

  • Check your perspective. Ask yourself, "Will this matter to me a year from now?" If not, why are you getting so wound up?
  • Volunteer. Helping to meet other peoples' needs may make your own problems seem smaller.
  • Keep a gratitude journal. Write down the positive people, events, and things that you're thankful for. "It really switches the focus to, 'Wow, look how much I have," Williams says. "Most stress is caused by wishing things were different than they are now."
  • Breathe. One of the breathing exercises that Williams recommends is to count your breaths for a minute, and then try to cut that number of breaths in half for the next minute.

Healthy Living StepNo. 6: Sleep better.

If you have trouble sleeping, try these tips from sleep medicine specialist Lisa Shives, MD, medical director of Northshore Sleep Medicine in Evanston, Ill.

  • No TV or computer two hours before bedtime. It's not just because the TV and computer are stimulating; it's also because of their light. "We're very sensitive to the cue that light gives you that it's time to be up and about," Shives says. She recommends light, calming reading lit by a lamp that doesn't shine directly into your eyes.
  • No heavy exercise close to bedtime. Light stretching is OK, but vigorous activity will heat up your body's core temperature, which makes it harder to sleep. "If you're working up a sweat, you're working too hard right before bed," Shives says.
  • Take a hot bath. That will heat up your core body temperature, but when you get out of the bath, your core temperature will fall, which may help you get to sleep. Plus, the bath "relaxes you mentally," Shives says. She adds that having a hot, noncaffeinated drink, such as chamomile tea, may also help.
  • Set a regular sleep schedule. When Shives treats insomnia patients, she tells them that although they can't make themselves fall asleep, they can make themselves get up at a certain time the next morning. And though they may be tired at first, if they don't nap, they may start sleeping better during the following nights. "We're going to get nowhere if they take big naps during the day and keep a very erratic sleep schedule; it's chaos then," Shives says.
  • Don't count on weekend catch-up sleep. If you have chronic sleep problems, you probably can't make up for that on the weekends. But if you generally sleep well and have a rough week, go ahead and sleep in on the weekend. "I actually think that's good for the body," Shives says.
  • Don't ignore chronic sleep problems. "Don't let sleep troubles linger for months or years. Get to a sleep specialist earlier rather than later, before bad habits set in," Shives says.
  • Prioritize good sleep. "This is as important as diet and exercise," Shives says. She says that in our society, "we disdain sleep, we admire energy and hard work and [have] this notion that sleep is just something that gets in the way."

healthy living 8 steps to take today

Healthy living is within your reach, starting today. Sure, healthy living is a long-term commitment, not a flash-in-the-pan fad. But there are steps you can take right now that will make today healthier than yesterday and pave the way for healthy living tomorrow, too.

Here's your checklist of practical healthy living tips that are ready to go. Let's get started.

Healthy Living Step No. 1: Take stock.

Your first step toward healthy living is to get a handle on your health status right now. Here's your to-do list:

  • ·         Make appointments with your doctor and dentist. Catch up on your routine screening and immunizations, and take the opportunity to ask your doctor any questions you might have.

  • ·         Gauge your girth. Measure your height and weight to check your BMI, and measure your waist circumference to see if you're overweight and if your waistline is putting your health at risk.

  • ·         Assess your activity. How much physical activity do you get in a typical week? How intense is that activity? How much variety do you get in your activity, and how much do you enjoy it? The CDC recommends that adults get at least two and a half hours per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or one hour and 15 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, plus muscle-strengthening activities at least two days per week.

  • ·         Keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat for a day -- and no fair skipping the items you're embarrassed about. "The idea is to write it down ... without judgment," says Kathianne Sellers Williams, MEd, RD, LD, a nutritionist, wellness coach, and personal trainer with Cafe Physique in Atlanta. "You can't change what you're not aware of or don't acknowledge."

  • ·         Check your mood and energy. Healthy living includes emotional wellness and adequate rest. How has your mood been lately? Are you experiencing any symptoms of depression or anxiety? Do you usually sleep well for seven to eight hours a night?

  • ·         Consider your social network. How strong are your connections with family and friends? Are you plugged in with social or spiritual groups that enrich your life? "People have a fundamental need for positive and lasting relationships," C. Nathan DeWall, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky, 

Healthy Living Step No. 2: Put out fires.

If you know that you have chronic health problems, whether it's heart disease, diabetes, depression, arthritis, or other conditions, treatment is an obvious priority for healthy living. The same goes for risky behaviors, such as smoking, and addictions of any kind.
Addressing these issues typically isn't a do-it-yourself task. Partner with your doctor. Make the phone call today to schedule that appointment.

Healthy Living Step No. 3 Move more.

Here are Williams' top tips for increasing physical activity:
  • Make it fun. Go on a hike, walk with friends, take a bellydancing or karate class, or whatever you enjoy. "There's no need to stick tocardio equipment in the gym if you're dreading it and you don't like it," Williams says. "Find something that's fun."
  • Keep track of it. Make a note of your physical activity in your date book or calendar. "Put big Xs on the days that you exercise," Williams says. "Keep a visual record that you look at frequently" as a reminder and motivator.
  • Set a weekly goal for activity. To build your confidence, "make the first goal so easy that you say, 'I know I can do that,'" Williams suggests. She recommends weekly goals because if you set a daily goal and miss a day, you might get discouraged; weekly goals give you more day-to-day flexibility. And at the end of the week, reward yourself with a visual reminder of your accomplishment, such as buying flowers for yourself.
  • Work activity into your day. "Ten percent of something is better than 100% of nothing. So even if you have 10 minutes, it's better than zero minutes," Williams says. She suggests taking a 10-minute walk before lunch or walking up and down the stairs when you're feeling drained and tired.
Other ideas include wearing a pedometer to track how many steps you take per day (health experts recommend shooting for 10,000 steps per day) and working with a personal trainer (double up with a friend to lower the cost) to create an exercise routine.
If you're curious about how many calories you're burning, try usingWebMD's Fit-o-Meter, a fitness and exercise calorie calculator. But of course, physical activity is for everyone, whether you're trying to loseweight or not.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Live Broadcasting LPL Live

2016 මැයි 01 වෙනිදා - කිරුළපන මැයි රැලිය Live Broadcasting

Friday, April 29, 2016

For some reason, homeless people is better educated by heart. And fully educated people is like an idiot.

For some reason, homeless people is better educated by heart. And fully educated people is like an idiot.

it's sad how that man treated him but when he looked back on the camara he was crying himself what he had done and how he treated him..
Poor people are no more victims to bad education than rich people. ..... there's mentally ill people who need help ( like most homeless). ..... and are more likely to have to pay fullprice for contraceptive methods (a ... Landon: My Heart Hurts ... debating reasons why some peopleare more worthy than others.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Two 19-year-old girls from Holy Family Convent in Bambalapitiya were killed after they were knocked down by a train travelling from Maradana to Kalutara in Dehiwala on Monday evening, police said. Police said the two girls, Sheron Sweleen and Imeshi Yasara, residents of Wellawatta and Kelaniya, were allegedly crossing the railway lines in a hurry, to attend the beach party organized in Dehiwala, when they had been knocked down by the train. - 
දෙහිවල දුම්රිය අනතුර නිසා  පසුගිය 25වනදා දිවි මගෙන් සමුගත් සිසුවියන්ගේ අවසන් කටයුතු  ඊයේ  (28) දින සිදුකරනු ලැබුවා. අකාලයේ මිලින වූ මේ යෞවනියන් දෙදෙනාගේ දේහයන් නිවසේ තැම්පත් කර තිබු අයුරුයි මේ.. යලි කිසිම දිනක මෙවන් අකල් මරණයක් සිදු නොවේවා. R.I.P  SISTERS

See beautiful pretty good little words

See beautiful pretty good little words...We fit together so's like pieces of a puzzle, the way your hand fits the curve of my hip and the way my head rests on your shoulder, the way our hands just melt into one, and the way I feel complete when I'm with the picture's finally completed and I'll never have to wonder what I'm missing.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Toddler picked up steel pipe to defend his grandma from China 's urban management force

Toddler picked up steel pipe to defend his grandma from China's urban management force full video. Brave child defend grandma. 

China, a toddler is being hailed as a miniature hero on Chinese social media after he defended his grandmother from urban management officers who were trying to clamp down on illegal street vendors.

The video of the toddler standing up to the grown men has gone viral, and shows the boy picking up a long steel pipe, wielding it like a weapon and repeatedly yelling: "Don't touch my grandma!"

The boy's actions cracked many eyewitnesses up, but has also earned him plenty of compliments from Chinese netizens for his brazen contempt toward authority.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Two "HFC Bambalapitiya" School Girls Run Over By Train in Dehiwala (Video)

child try to jump bed

They quickly said something to lose. Some times they even careless thinking has a high level. After you watch this Video is obvious. Sealed off the legs out of bed long enough to actually how to act bæsagænīmaṭa bed with the child confidence curious ...

A Man Call Elephant

save the elephants

Save the Elephants was founded in 1993 by Iain Douglas-Hamilton. A research & conservation organisation, Save the Elephants (STE) is a UK-registered charity headquartered in Nairobi with its principal research station in Samburu National Reserve in northern Kenya.
STE’s mission is to secure a future for elephants and sustain the beauty and ecological integrity of the places they live, to promote man’s delight in their intelligence and the diversity of their world, and to develop a tolerant relationship between the two species.
The elephants of Samburu are now one of the best-studied elephant populations in the world, with detailed histories of almost 1,000 individuals and their interactions over the last 18 years. Data from their behaviour and population dynamics have allowed scientists to understand the impacts of the ivory poaching crisis on populations across Africa.
Pioneers in radio and GPS tracking of elephants, STE works to understand ecosystems from an elephant’s perspective. Real-time information on their movements is proving a powerful tool to protect herds from poachers, and long-term data allows us to influence landscape planning to take elephants into account. With four members of staff on the African Elephant Specialist Group, we aspire to be a leading source of information on the status of elephants across Africa.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Sri Lanka Aurudu Festival Lissana Gaha

Sri Lanka Aurudu Festival Lissana Gaha

Cultural anthropological history of the 'Traditional New Year' which is celebrated on month of April, goes back to an ancient period in Sri Lankan history.people think the celebration of new year is the change of thoughts too. Various beliefs, perhaps those associated with fertility of the harvest, gave birth to many rituals, customs, and ceremonies connected with the New Year. The advent of Buddhism in the 3rd century BC led to a re-interpretation of the existing New Year activities in the Buddhism ligh. The majority of the people in the country are Buddhists, and as such, it is that the Buddhist outlook was predominant in transforming the New Year rites to what they are now.
Hinduism, on the other hand, existed side by side with Buddhism, in medieval times. New Year practices interpreted in the Hinduism way developed among the Hindus Buddhism and Hinduism were historically connected with each other. Their philosophies were running along parallel dimensions, except for certain ultimate truths concerning the self, the way to achieve emancipation and the nature of a creative god (which Buddhism denies) and nirvana . There was no serious contradiction in New Year rituals that are found among the Buddhists and Hindus.